速報APP / 商業 / Get Stuff Done!

Get Stuff Done!



檔案大小:33.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Get Stuff Done!(圖1)-速報App

There's a ton of reminder apps out there but how many actually help you get stuff done? We created this app because we needed it and couldn't find one that did exactly what we wanted and was simple to use, hope you like it :)

Here's a quick lowdown, this app will help you:

- Schedule reminders with deadlines

-- Time is everything, don't let it slip by, deadlines are important

- Get a countdown for each one

-- Get things done in time, don't just leave it lingering

Get Stuff Done!(圖2)-速報App

- List reminders in order or urgency

-- Get the most important things done first!

- Month view

-- Fail to plan and you plan to fail!

- A few more features you'll discover in the app

-- Have a play, it's free, hope you like it!

Get Stuff Done!(圖3)-速報App

Hope you like it as much as we do.

Team TSN

Get Stuff Done!(圖4)-速報App
